Women's Bible Class
The Women’s Training Class is designed, to enhance the spiritual, moral and mental development, of young girls, teenagers, young adult, and the elderly, to be the vessel, in the Lord’s hand, that can be utilized, to accomplish the divine will, of our heavenly Father.
There are various roles, for women, according, to the scriptures, for Christian development of themselves, their daughters and other younger women, to provide the Father, with the fullness, of His expectations, as far back as the creation, of the woman.
In training women, there are several areas, of concentration, that is taught which will ensure and enhance the effectiveness, of the mature Christian woman. These areas of Christian development, in the service and work, of the Lord, in His church, are evangelism, edification and benevolence. Teaching is also directed towards the relationship, with the younger sisters, brothers, elders, deacons, and the evangelist. Also training is inclusive, of their biblical responsibilities, to the husband, children, and the home, as well as the community and workplace.
The effectiveness of the Mature Christian woman
First, the training of women, in the region, of maturing as a Christian woman, includes the areas, of what she can do, in regards to the service, needful, in the church. This effort, which perhaps can be performed, will enhance her ability, to care for the sick, elderly and to provide guidance, to other woman! This service, to others would ensure, great examples and give tremendous knowledge, direction, encouragement, from the mature Christian woman, to others growing, to that level of understanding and responsibility (2Pet 3: 18). In the mature Christian woman, she will greatly aid in the service to comfort the bereaved, the needy and those that are weak, despondent and have a feeling of hopelessness, also.
Second, training is provided, to increase her spirituality and to give herself, wholly, to the mindset, of service to God in His kingdom. “So as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Pro 23: 7). Her knowledge, of the spiritual side, of life, in comparison, to the worldly concerns, will be manifested in her speech, conduct, manner of life and service to God, in a pure and genuine manner. “That the aged women be teachers of good things” (Titus 2: 3-5). She must be a teacher and good things, to the younger women, for guidance, complete and beneficial to the church and their families.
Third, she must understand the value, of proper balance, towards spiritual things and her worldly concerns. "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eatech not the bread of Idleness (Pro 31:27). To only attend to those things which are spiritual and not be concernde about her family would be wrong. Both are essential, to growth and maturity, in Christ!
Finally, she is taught, to respect the organization, of the church, and to submit to their oversight, of the congregation (Acts 20:17, 28, Heb 13:7, 17). The foundation and primary works , of the church are evangelism (Mk 16:15, 16), edification (Rom 14:19), and benevolence (Gal 6:10), are taught and is expected to be a part, of the Christian woman's life.
The Biblical responsibilities to the family
And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet (helper fit) for him (Gen 2: 18). The biblical responsibilities, which teaches the Christian woman, that marriage is the most important relationship, in the world. (Gen 2: 24). There should only be one mate at a time (Matt 5: 32, 33; 19: 3-9, 1Cor 7: 1-5, Lk 16: 18, Heb 13: 4), and from the beginning, the relationship was meant to be monogenic. Christian children should be a result, of the marriage (1Tim 5: 14), and she is to be submissive to her husband, in all spiritual and scriptural things (Gen 3: 16, 19, Col 3: 18, Eph 5: 23ff, 1Cor 11: 1-3, 1Tim 2: 11-14, 1Cor 14: 32-36). She is to bring up children in the home (1Tim 2: 15) and the virtuous woman (wife) is worth more than rubies. Finally, her value to her husband, children and the home is worth more than riches can buy (Pro 31: 10ff).
Her integrity, as a Christian, wife, mother and teacher, of good things, will be a continuous blessing to those, that know of her, in the community and workplace. With her spiritual nature, those around her will benefit because she will always recognize the words, penned by Paul to the Corinthians, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord". (1 Cor 15:58) Her service to others,with the gospel, will serve as the light, which leads to understanding, of God's will (Psa 119:130).
The women’s class, also, teach the concern about their spiritual beauty, rather than, the elevation of physical beauty. With subjects, as “The Eyes of the Beholder”, “Our Adornment”, “What Women These Christians Have”, “In His image”, “Building her House”, “In the World, not of the World”, “Real Life and Godliness”, “After God’s own Heart”, and such like, are topics which are taught, studied, presented in depth, for further the knowledge, of what God expects from Christian women. With the command to teach (Jn 6: 44, 45), coupled with the command to study, (2Tim 2: 15), Christian women will be balanced in their purposes, goals, and scriptural objectives, to please their Heavenly Father.
The Church is committed to have weekly classes, to teach, inform and assist the Christian woman, to be informed, through sound teaching and study, what their divine purpose is, in the church, home, community, workplace and world. As a result, of theses classes, Christian women will know how to be a true benefit and vessel, in God's family, to further the cause of Jesus Christ and His church (Matt 16:18). Subject variety, of the Holy Bible, without addition or subtraction, is the only way, to teach subjects,topics and be contextually correct (Deut 4:2, Pro 30:5, 6, Rev 22:18:19).With God's blessings of understanding and wisdom, this will assist, to achieve His eternal purpose,for the church, as a whole.
Our prayer, for you, is to come, visit, investigate, and consider learning what the truth really is,concerning the gospel, of Jesus Christ, on all subjects, for all mankind (Mk 16:15ff, 2Thess 2:15, 2Cor 4:4,7, Matt 28:18ff).