From the Preacher's Desk

October 20, 2024   

    After Daniel refused to stop praying, in Dan 6: 6-8, all of the presidents and princes assembled together to the king, and said thus unto him, King Darius, live forever and wanted to establish a decree that if any ask a petition (pray) of any God or man in thirty days, he shall be cast into the den of lions. Daniel made the right decision to keep praying!
  When we are indecisive or suffer from poor decision making, this often leads to sleepless nights. Calm and deserving rest is contrasted by tossing and turning over our finances, personal relationships, grief, families or employment. When one or multiple burdens weigh us down, the difficulty and, in some cases, sleep becomes an impossibility.
   Our heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior knows about each struggle. Although we must bear our own burden (Gal 6: 5), if and when we surrender and cast each problematic burden to him, completely and entirely, we should have hope because He cares. (1Pet 3: 7)
   Are you honest (Matt 13: 23, Mk 4: 20, Lk 8: 15) to admit that we cannot bear our burdens alone? (Gal 6: 2, Jn 15: 1-5) If so, to ensure restful and peaceful nights, follow and obey all of the commands of Jesus (Jn 14: 15; 15: 14, Jn 6:46), with the intent and motive (Heb 4: 12) to always do and fulfill all righteousness to insure help, and guidance from on High, (Phil 4: 13) through the Word of God, again, for restful and peaceful nights. (Lk 8: 22-25)